Welcome to InsideOut blog

"In the begining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God...
John 1:1 (NIV)"

Take a journey through life with us

About Us

The InsideOut blog was started to create a safe space to share things we otherwise would not have shared freely. Our deepest feelings either happiness or sadness, fears, pains, worries, wonders, ideas, dreams, to mention but a few. I realized that bottling up things was not a good solution, it may lead to chronic illness, stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems. It is better to put things out there, at least somewhere so I decided to share them here to encourage others who are struggling with opening up to be able to do so.
I also discovered that we have all the answers to the issues we face in the word of God - the Bible. So I use scripture to encourage us or enlighten us in all my pieces. Hope you will have a great time with us here at inside out. Thank you and God bless you.